Business Kittens isn't going to solve any of your problems. We're not even real. Mostly, we just want all your money, but we're not going to sell you anything.
Business Kittens is a new kind of fast food restaurant. If you've ever eaten at a fast food restaurant then your life is going to end terribably.
Our fast food restaurant isn't going to sell food. We'll be the first fast food restaurant that has ever tried to not sell food.
Give us a lot of money so we can not feed you.
People shouldn't care about anything we do. We are in the business of making people not care about us. Also, we want your money, but Business Kittens will ultimately not be successful unless everyone dies, no one cares, and everyone doesn't have any money.
We will notify you constantly, but we will never sell you anything because we don't have anything to sell. We're a business that doesn't have any business practices. We only take money from people.
Your life will get worse if you sign up for our newsletter. Nothing good will every happen to you again.
Take our survey. It's a waste of your time.
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